THERE  is only one law of reversal, God’s law, the law that by virtue of its own infinite goodness, is the spontaneous destruction or reversal of everything unlike good. Mesmerism operates to make the Christian Scientist, when he uses the term “law of reversal” immediately associate it with evil. If he does this he is incapable of understanding this law.
      However, no claim of law is nearer to the heart of evil, or is more necessary, in belief, for its maintenance than the perverted sense of the law of reversal, which is evil’s very being. The human mind, through being the negation or suppositional opposite of the divine Mind, is the reverse of all that the divine Mind is. Therefore, the law of reversal operates as the supposed law of

the action of the human mind. As progress is the law of God, so reversal is the action of evil.
      Then it is not strange to find the perverted sense of the law of reversal confronting the Christian Scientist at every forward step. In the final manifestation of evil,—Satan standing in “the holy place” as pure malicious argument, as shown forth in malicious mental malpractice, the malpractitioner voicing Satan is found using, by perversion, the law of reversal consistently in defending his own wickedness.
     By the fraudulent use of the law of reversal, evil automatically endeavors to reverse the thought put forward by the Christian Scientist in denying evil. It changes this into an affirmation for evil. By so doing it seeks to nullify the truthful statements which deny presence or power to evil, and, if not guarded against, it may seem to succeed in accomplishing its purpose.
      But if the Scientist heeds Jesus’ statement, “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another,” the whole process changes. Confronted with love and the statement that right where the evil seems to be there is the very presence of Love and the infinite power of Truth, malpractice must follow its own self-made law that the reverse of your statement is true; and, reversed, love becomes hatred and destruction

and the law of torment to the evil itself. Thus the victory is won.
      Then is not the remedy for every vicious argument of evil, love? The greater the love the more destructive it becomes to the claims of evil, verifying Mrs. Eddy’s statement in Mental Practice in Miscellaneous Writings: “Thus a mental malpractitioner may lose his power to harm by a false mental argument.”
      Another point that the Christian Scientist must understand is that this law of reversal is used by evil continually to reverse all the Christian Scientist’s earnest efforts to accomplish good. This belief of law must be defeated by knowing that God’s law of reversal is the only law of reversal and is ever operative for good, reversing every erroneous effort and belief. If this is not understood, your work may be frustrated at every point. It is useless to bemoan this, for it is the fact. The claim operates whether you like it or not, and you must handle it or it will handle you.
      It should be remembered that evil further uses this law of reversal to turn one back to material belief in all things, and so to turn one away from discerning evil as pure mental iniquity. Thinking of evil as material is to hide its real nature. It is thus evil hopes to make its lie

continuous. “Laws” of material belief are looked upon as continuing “laws,” and the beliefs resulting from them as continuous beliefs, until they ultimate, in what is called “natural” death. Therefore, the purpose of evil is to make its suggestions operate as old diseased beliefs. If it succeeds in making its victim believe his trouble is material, it has forestalled its hypnotic influence being discerned and thus destroyed.
      Do not be deceived into thinking that it is ever natural for you not to have all good. Good is man’s natural heritage and being. Your every desire is already satisfied by divine Mind, for you do not originate it. That desire is of Mind. Then it is the false sense of the law of reversal that is stopping the fulfillment of your dearest hopes. Even your good deeds are reversed, in belief, by this spurious law of evil.
      It must never be forgotten that the suppositional law of reversal is the opposite of the actual law of reversal, which is continually and unceasingly operating to reverse everything that comes to you as suggestion and to put it in its true place as the presence of God. The latter law is obviously the law of progress, because it brings you eventually to the point of seeing God as All-in-all. The “law” of reversal, as the

weapon of evil, is the suppositional opposite of the law of progress.
      Knowing this it should not be difficult to rise to the realization that you are a law unto yourself and to refuse to allow malicious mental malpractice to harm you under any circumstances, “either when asleep or when awake,” as Mrs. Eddy phrases it.
      Since the reverse of a lie is the truth, you can utilize this law of reversal so that every argument of evil to harm you will become a blessing, because you know that the law of reversal operates to that very end. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper” Isaiah said. Why? Because the law of reversal is God’s law whereby God is the spontaneous law of reversal to everything unlike Himself, to all evil.

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