NO CASE  can be properly handled in Christian Science until it is thoroughly understood that every claim, regardless of its appearance, is always the result of directed evil; that it is the deliberate, conscious act of malicious mind voiced personally by a mortal or mortals.
      Failure to understand this is to misunderstand Christian Science, for the basic result of the discovery of Christian Science is that good can be directed intelligently to accomplish good. Through Mrs. Eddy’s discovery good was found to be no longer a waif wandering aimlessly, but was found to be a divine and ever-present Mind-force ready to be utilized and applied, as Jesus applied it, wherever needed. This fulfilled the Scriptural injunction to show forth faith by

works, and to take the things of God and show them unto the creature. Such obedience determines whether or not one is a Christian Science practitioner; whether or not he is the man of God, the voice of God.
      In like manner, malicious mind claims ability through its votaries, malicious mental malpractitioners, to reverse this operation of Christian Science, and to take the things of evil and show them unto its victims, always placing its lies where they will do the most harm. This operation is a wilful, direct attempt to destroy the Christian Scientist and his work, and if it is not recognized and cast out, will accomplish, in belief, its iniquity.
      There could be no Christian Science operating without the Christian Science practitioner, and in the same way, there could be no malicious mental malpractice operating without the malicious mental malpractitioner.
      Remember, no refutation in Christian Science can accomplish much unless it is clearly realized that both the Christian Science practitioner and the malicious mental malpractitioner, however they may appear to be as other persons, never are. There is nothing, either mental or physical “out there.” It is all “in here,” mine. If I abide by the facts and find God as my Mind, I am the

one Christian Science practitioner, that which shows forth the glory of God. If I allow myself to be confused by appearances and start my reasoning from effect instead of cause and listen when suggestions coming as “I” claim to be my mind, then I find myself as the one malicious mental malpractitioner, the only one that could be, and I show forth, or seem to show forth, all that is meant by separation, or devil.
      The latter situation is, of course, impossible since there is no separate “I,” which chooses the kind of course it will steer between good and evil. All there is to me, really, is my awareness of God. I have no other capacity or function, and so obviously, I cannot be a “malpractitioner.” It only seems to me to be so and it seems to have results. It never really does.
      Your work is to understand this, and always cast out the vicious suggestion of this mind, with Jesus’ rebuke, “Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me.” He showed no tolerance or gentleness with evil, then why should you? When a wrong thought presents itself, know that it is always a deliberate suggestion—not a chance suggestion, but a deliberate suggestion, and that the perpetrator is one with the suggestion, for without the perpetrator, no suggestion could be voiced.

When you hear this suggestion, act exactly as you would if someone were trying to make you believe a lie. You certainly would eliminate both the lie and the liar by promptly casting them out as spurious.
      Do this with every lie that presents itself to you. Refuse to harbour it for a moment. Miscellaneous Writings states, “No person can accept another’s belief, except it be with the consent of his own belief. If the error which knocks at the door of your own thought originated in another’s mind, you are a free moral agent to reject or to accept this error; hence, you are the arbiter of your own fate, and sin is the author of sin.” You have the power to reject it; then exercise your power with authority, and not as though you were half afraid that what you were casting out could refuse to go. Remember what Science and Health says, “Christian Scientists, be a law to yourselves that mental malpractice cannot harm you either when asleep or when awake.”
      It is foolish to grieve over any trouble when it is really but the negative presentation of Truth that you can readily cast out by translating it correctly. But remember, you cast it out as a suggestion of evil and not as a person. Evil thoughts seem to go forth as persons perpetrat-

ing them but it is always as sin that you must reject them, never as persons. They come in reality as the “angel visitant” of God as Jacob found, and when entertained rightly by reversing them and so giving them back to God, the evil suggestion is cast out with all its angels, its accompanying lies or testimony declaring for its truth. The Revelator saw this day when he declared, “The great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, . . . and his angels were cast out with him.”
      Arouse yourself so as not to be deceived into believing that any wrong thought you seem to have is yours. It is not. It is deliberately directed thought appearing as your mind with purpose to hurt you. Recognize this and destroy it promptly.
      Mrs. Eddy said in Christian Science History, in 1899, “Without a question the student of Christian Science is not qualified to teach, preach, or to practice divine metaphysics, who knows not thoroughly how wisely to handle this heinous sin—mental malpractice.” She also said in Historical Sketch, “The methods of animal magnetism, especially its secret work, should be exposed. This alone can protect the people from a reign of terror, far surpassing any reign of terror in the dark ages.” Also in the Sixth edi-

tion of Science and Health she strongly emphasized, “The re‑establishment of the Christian Era, in this mediaeval period of metaphysics, should be one of moderation and peace: but the re‑inauguration of this period will be met with demonology, or the unlicensed cruelty of mortal mind, which will compel mankind to learn metaphysics for a refuge and defense.”


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